Jotta .A – Agnus Dei ♫ Hallelujah – aleluya

Amazing song!


Filed under Worship Songs

5 responses to “Jotta .A – Agnus Dei ♫ Hallelujah – aleluya

  1. Thank you, Some days it’s just tough looking at the condition of the church and it’s leaders, trying to keep aware of all the false teachings and deception that is out there is many times trying and always grieving. Sometimes we don’t take the time to really appreciate the God we have, who comforts and upholds us and is greater than anything we face in this life. God bless and thanks again for the reminder and encouragement. .

  2. Pat, I so agree with you!

  3. jessica

    who exactly is jotta a? i truely love his rendition of this song it is absolutely inspiring

  4. This boy jotta is a gift from god to us all an angel on earth who touches the very soul and lifts the heart to God, thankyou.

  5. torivictoria A Book based on a Jotta A Testimony – ” A Waterfall Of Agape Love” just been published, available on kindle at Amazon.

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